Friday, November 30, 2012

Thoughts on recent news...

In case you haven't heard the news, it's been said that Candy Chang was involved in a drug concealment case...don't feel like posting it on my blog, but if really want to know more, you can read it here: 

All I can say is....I REALLY hope that they will found out that Candy is innocent, and that all that isn't true. And that they're gonna keep her in The Hippocratic Crush 2. (They should cause she's already in the trailer!!) and yeahh thats about it. Hope they find out the truth soon!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Jing Jing is back!!

I know i havent updated this forever... But theres something support important.... Candy's back to film The Hippocratic Crush sequel :D she announced it on weibo, theres probably gonna be more news bout this soon so Ill try to be updated about this :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Candy slaps Sarah Song in Divas in Distress

I have no courage of translating the news....but if you can read chinese, here it is :
I only know it has something to do with Candy slapping Sarah Song in Divas in Distress...and I thought the pics were really nice so I wanted to post them here :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New banner! :)

So Lynne was accepting graphic request on her TVB Horizon I asked for once since I really wanted to change the banner but didn't had time to make a new one :)

And I just want to update a bit here...okay well, obviously, there are not to much news of Candy....there probably are gonna be some when The Hippocratic Crush 2 is gonna come xD And about the weibo updates....I dropped them...too long to do! But I might add a picture feature thing on the layout soon when I have time :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Divas in Distress Official Screencaps

I probably will not have time to watch thi serie....but here are a few screencaps with Candy in it :) Wonder what's gonna happen...I might read someone's review :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Thank you + New blog :)

Thank you for your support!! 1 month after its opening, Candy Chang Forever has now reached over 1000 pageviews! ;D (And they don't track mines xD) Yesterday, I've opened a new blog. I know it's a bit of a rush opening two blogs in a row, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to handle it when school starts, but I'll try :) Please go check it out!! It's quite different from this one :) Here it is: It is still "in construction", (The banner's gonna change + I'm adding more pages) but you can already go see it:) Plus I've added a few of you as affiliates already, so if you see yourself, please link me back and tell me in the new chatbox of the new blog? :D If you don't see this, I'll just tell you in all of your chatbox but yeahh xD Thank you once again! :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

August weibo update (part 2)

I found out that posting the translations takes way too much from now on, I'll only be posting the pictures.






Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Random TVB video :)

I just created a video of my favorite TVB actors and actresses :) It includes Candy so I decided to post it here, enjoy!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Hippocratic Crush Ep 17-18

So...Jing Jing starts doubting that Yat Hong likes her since he gave her that TV buddy, even if he denies it...

August weibo update (Part 1)

8/08: 我和 @胡杏儿 都是天蝎座!我們就是神秘和性感的化身
In reply to: @天蝎座 : 孙中山是天蝎座,蒋介石是天蝎座,贝多芬是天蝎座,黄晓明是天蝎座,马化腾是天蝎座,马云是天蝎座、刘晓庆是天蝎座,吴奇隆是天蝎座,任家萱Selina (S.H.E) 是天蝎座,华罗庚是天蝎座,赵雅芝是天蝎座,张艺谋是天蝎座,钱钟书是天蝎座,朴树是天蝎座,我们都是天蝎座!

8/08: 謝謝張小嫻的金句,我會堅強的,睡一覺,明天醒了就會是一個新開始. EAT. PRAY. LOVE. 
(Translation: Thank you for 張小嫻's golden quote, I will stay strong, sleep, tomorrow will be a new beginning. EAT. PRAY.LOVE.)
In reply to: @现代女人帮  : 一个女人,最重要还是活得好。只要活得好,从前所有的委屈,所有的伤害,所受过的白眼,一切恩情爱恨,后来的一天,都付笑谈中。曾经的伤痛、曾经掉过的眼泪,不过是生命中无可避免的历练。——张小娴

8/08: 好不開心好不開心好不開心......為甚麼我對你那麼坦誠你卻要這樣騙我......
(Translation: Very sad, very sad, very sad....Why am I so honest to you and you have to lie to me...) 

8/03: @魏焌皓Nathan 我們一定要贏贏贏!
(Translation: We absolutely have to win, win, win!) 

8/03: 請大家留意「千奇百趣之東南亞」啦
In reply to: @黃智賢  : 千奇百趣東南亞你猜誰會贏?

8/03: 趁現在還沒有開劇集的時候好好努力提升自己,多看劇集、多讀書提升自己的中文能力,最近每個禮拜二都會到舞蹈室練舞,鍛鍊身體,謝謝大家對我的支持,我會繼續努力奮鬥的!
In reply to: @HKChannel : 【大姐大手記】香港小姐曾是「明星搖籃」,電視圈蔡少芬、佘詩曼及胡杏兒等穩坐一線。2000年至今,只有徐子珊及陳茵媺。國際中華小姐質素愈來愈高,先有葉璇廖碧兒,現鍾嘉欣陳法拉已躍升花旦,港姐要加把勁!新一代華姐中@苟芸慧ChristineKuo@朱璇oceane@Candy张慧雯 甚有潛質。

8/01: 謝謝,動漫節真的很好玩,希望下一年還能和你們一起合作
(Translation: Thank you, the manga festival was really fan, hope to collaborate with you next year as well) 
In reply to: @张慧雯贴吧 : 無綫藝人張慧雯(Candy)出席《動漫Cosplay大賽頒獎禮》,Candy雖身為動漫大使卻未有以Cosplay造型到場,她解釋說:「開幕當日已經著咗,我覺得Cosplay係非一般衣著,平日自己未試過,亦無膽著,怕尷尬。」她透露早前已遊遍整個動漫展,更買了不少漫畫,相信需要一段時間才能消化 @Candy张慧雯

Picture edits =)

So these are just random edits I did on Picmonkey....just had some fun with a few pics from Candy's weibo :P

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Christine Kuo, Oceane Zhu, and Candy Chang - Who Will Become the Next TVB Fadan?

The Miss Hong Kong Pageant has traditionally cultivated many film and television actresses. However, in recent years, TVB appeared to favor winners from the Miss Chinese International Pageant rather than the Miss Hong Kong Pageant, promoting Chinese women raised overseas instead of local beauty winners. As numerous fadans have left TVB in recent years, newcomers such as Christine Kuo (苟芸慧), Oceane Zhu (朱璇), and Candy Chang (張慧雯) were now offered with incredible opportunities to distinguish themselves and rise to become the next leading lady!

In the film industry, the Miss Hong Kong Pageant created many household names such as Maggie Cheung (張曼玉), Michelle Reis (李嘉欣) and Anita Yuen (袁詠儀), who developed admirable careers. In the television circle, the pageant also produced famous actresses, such as Ada Choi (蔡少芬), Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) and Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), whose popularity extended across the world.

In recent years, it appears that the Miss Hong Kong pageant contestants have failed to carve out successful acting careers. Although former winners such as Kayi Cheung (張嘉兒), Toby Chan (陳庭欣) and Sandy Lau (劉倩婷) are TVB managed artists, they have failed to leave any lasting impression upon the viewers.

“Miss Chinese International” Winners Rise in Prominence

In recent years, the Miss Hong Kong Pageant has created a limited number of leading actresses. Only Kate Tsui (徐子珊) and Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) have risen to fadan status. In comparison, contestants from Miss Chinese International have been more heavily promoted. Former TVB actresses, Bernice Liu (廖碧兒) and Michelle Ye (葉璇) were among the first leading ladies sourced from the Miss Chinese International Pageant.

Subsequently, Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) and Fala Chen (陳法拉) were also heavily promoted by TVB. Linda also managed to breakthrough her acting in Yes Sir, Sorry Sir <點解阿Sir係阿Sir>and Witness Insecurity <護花危情>. Fala was nominated for Best Actress at the 2011 TVB Anniversary Awards. Recently, she was even given a chance to release her first music album.

Who Will Become the Next TVB Fadan?

As compared with the Miss Hong Kong Pageant, the new breed of actresses emerging from the Miss Chinese International Pageant has forged more desirable careers. Amongst them are Christine Kuo (苟芸慧), Oceane Zhu (朱璇), and Candy Chang (張慧雯) who are currently given many opportunities to shine at TVB.

Winner of the 2009 Miss Chinese International Pageant, Christine was cast in many top rated TVB dramas, such as The Mysteries of Love <談情說案>, and Forensic Heroes 3 <法證先鋒III>. Recently, she is being featured more prominently in Tiger Cubs <飛虎> and Ghetto Justice 2 <怒火街頭2>, in which she plays the ex-wife of TV King, Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎). Possessing a beautiful face and a stunning 34C figure, Christine is considered as a “sexy goddess” among many male viewers! However, viewers have also commented that she needs to improve upon her acting skills.

After being crowned as the winner of the 2008 Miss Chinese International Pageant, Oceane Zhu was invited to lead in movie, Prince of Tears <淚王子>. In 2010, Oceane was nominated for the Hong Kong Film Awards’ Best New Performer category, as well as the Asian Film Awards. Possessing a bubbly and straightforward personality, Oceane is also being cast in high-profile dramas, Sergeant Tabloid <女警愛作戰>, Love Exceeds the Coastline <情越海岸線> and Season of Love <恋爱季节>. Viewers have commented that Oceane needs to improve upon her Cantonese and drop her Mandarin accent if she wished to strengthen her presence in TVB dramas.

Candy Chang was the second runner-up of the 2010 Miss Chinese International Pageant. As a newcomer, Candy was already featured in popular TVB drama, The Hippocratic Crush <On Call 36小時>, and acting alongside with Kenneth Ma (馬國明) and Tavia Yeung (杨怡). Only 22-year-old, Candy has won praise for her natural acting in The Hippocratic Crush. She will also be appearing in coming TVB dramas, Highs and Lows <雷霆掃毒> and A Chip Off the Old Block 2 <巴不得媽媽…> .

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Hippocratic Crush Ep 14

They are so cute together, especially in the last screencap :) Plus a lil random fact, Candy's shirt says "Boy meet girl", which matches their relationship xD