Sunday, July 22, 2012

Candy Chang saw my blog!!!

So...yesterday, I sent the link to this blog to Candy on Weibo and she replied!! I'm so excited =D I first found it out when I came on and saw that my pageviews jumped from 43 to suddenly 82 and I was like huhh?? Did it re-count my own pageviews?? (I setted it so that it wouldn't count my pageviews, but I thought there was a problem or something) Then.. I ignored it and when on weibo and OMG <3 I was so glad to see that she saw it ^^ Anyways... here's the proof :P

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry it'll probably be like Bernice in Survivor's Law 2. She as a guest star broke up with Samuel via cell phone. P.S I'm a fan of Candy too. She is so sweet. I will be checking this website for updates. Also the note on your blog has bad grammar. Should be "Candy saw the website" not " Candy did saw." I hope she'll get promoted.
